type a filter in search box, or pass to the API filter: r5,cpu<=16,mem>=16,price<=4
keyword, and server spec. eg: ssd,cpu>=32,cpu<=48,mem>=32,price>=10
compare servers, enter keyword, eg: m6a.large,m7g.large,r6a.large
To exclude, use -. eg: -t3,-t2,price<=0.1,mem>=2 -ssd,-c5,price<=0.1,mem>=2
Supported variables: mem cpu price spot_price View More Docs& API
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$ curl -L 'ec2.shop?region=us-west-2'
$ curl -L 'ec2.shop?region=us-west-2&filter=m4,m5,ssd,mem>=3,mem<=4,vcpu>=2&sort=-price,+cpu'
$ curl -L 'ec2.shop?price<=0.05&sort=-price,+cpu'
$ curl -L 'ec2.shop/rds?price<=0.05&sort=-price,+cpu'
$ curl -L 'ec2.shop/rds-mysql?price<=0.05&sort=-price,-mem'
Type | Mem (GiB) | vCPUS | Storage | Network | Price | Spot | Reserved | Reserved Convertible | |||||
Hourly | Monthly | Price | Reclaim | Saving | 1 year | 3 year | 1y | 3y | |||||